Magical Thinking

Have you ever thought to yourself “If only I had traded this stock yesterday, I wouldn’t have lost this much money” or “When I lose a few pounds then I’ll be happy”?

This is a type of cognitive distortion that all of us fall prey to. It’s called magical thinking and it can be a source of comfort. But, it can also provide a false sense of control and keep us stuck. It can also lead us to have lower self-esteem and overall become dissatisfied with our lives. So, if you learn to identify this type of thinking it can improve your overall life satisfaction.

So, first notice when you have these thoughts. Second, find evidence against the thought to take away its credibility and power. For example, “Do I really believe skinny = happy or can I be happy now?” Then, replace it with a more neutral or positive thought. Finally, rinse and repeat. Repeat this neutral thought enough times till you believe it.

Practice this for every magical thought and eventually you will start to become happier and more satisfied with your life.


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