
Relationships Neda Sanai Relationships Neda Sanai

Tech Detox: Date Night Adventure

Embark on a Tech Detox Adventure! 🌟 Rediscover the magic of face-to-face connection with our guide to the ultimate tech-free date night. From nostalgic conversations to culinary collaborations, board games, and starlit stargazing, break free from screens and strengthen your relationship offline. 🚀 #TechDetox #DateNight #ConnectionRevival

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Relationships Neda Sanai Relationships Neda Sanai

Love's Hidden Languages: Discover, Connect, Thrive

Dive into the diverse world of love languages beyond the ordinary! 🌟 Explore adventure, creativity, mindfulness, tech-savvy, and nature expressions that forge extraordinary connections. Meet Alex and Taylor's unique love fusion, and discover practical tips for cracking these intriguing codes. ❤️ Ready to go beyond the usual and deepen your connection? Read now!

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Neda Sanai Neda Sanai

Why Do People Complain?

Get to know yourself better. Try to focus your attention on understanding your thoughts and feelings about things. If you don’t know what they are, then you need to discover them by doing things. Put yourself in a situation where you’re engaging in activities, interacting with people and pushing your comfort zone. You can even do this in your everyday life by asking yourself what you like to eat, what movies you like to watch or what music you like listening to. If you don’t try new things, see new places, talk to new people or have hobbies then you won’t know who you truly are. If you don’t know who you are, how can others? So, next time you feel like you don’t have much to contribute to a conversation, try something new.

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Neda Sanai Neda Sanai

How To Become More Opinionated

Get to know yourself better. Try to focus your attention on understanding your thoughts and feelings about things. If you don’t know what they are, then you need to discover them by doing things. Put yourself in a situation where you’re engaging in activities, interacting with people and pushing your comfort zone. You can even do this in your everyday life by asking yourself what you like to eat, what movies you like to watch or what music you like listening to. If you don’t try new things, see new places, talk to new people or have hobbies then you won’t know who you truly are. If you don’t know who you are, how can others? So, next time you feel like you don’t have much to contribute to a conversation, try something new.

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Relationships Neda Sanai Relationships Neda Sanai

A Relationship Isn’t Always 50/50. It’s 100%.

Though both partners need to contribute to the relationship, the effort won’t always be equal. Life hits us in different ways, and you might be struggling with something that temporarily demands most of your time and energy. And the same thing will probably happen to your partner at some point. During those times, try not to blame your partner for not pulling their weight. Instead, think of the relationship as something that needs to stay at 100% no matter what. So when your partner can only give 20%, you give 80% to fill the gap, and vice versa. If you both think of relationships this way, it might avoid building resentment, and create a supportive environment for you and your partner!

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Relationships Neda Sanai Relationships Neda Sanai

Why is it that Some People Can Never Admit They're Wrong?

1. Fragile ego. They feel threatened, weak or dumb by the person pointing out their mistake. This activates the fight-or-flight response, and they choose to fight back. So by refusing to admit they are wrong,their ego protects them from feeling insecure or inadequate..

2. Mental Rigidity. They have a hard time seeing another person’s perspective. We sometimes refer to this as having mental rigidity. They assume their perspective is correct and that there is only one “right way” of doing things. If they are challenged with the idea that they are wrong, they’ll have a hard time entertaining a different way of thinking.

3. They’re Oblivious. When someone is not self-aware or introspective, they may not even understand the mistake they are making. And if they don’t understand where you are coming from, they’re not likely to admit errors.

So next time you see someone have a hard time admitting they’re wrong, see if you can figure out which one of these three is the reason!

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Relationships Neda Sanai Relationships Neda Sanai

Can Arguing With Your Partner Be A Good Thing?

No, I’m not saying for you to get into a shouting match with your partner. But let’s face it, you’re bound to disagree at some point. You have unique viewpoints, habits, and experiences that might not align with your partners’. And that is perfectly healthy. In fact, that’s what makes your partner intriguing. So think of arguments as an opportunity for your partner to get to know you. It’s a chance for you to express yourself and share your unique perspective. Don’t try to “win” the argument. Just explore the disagreement in a nonjudgmental way. If you think about arguments in this way, it will probably reduce a lot of tension, and maybe, even improve your relationship.

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